Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Prevention and Control Policy
DATE Policy and Protocols were updated: 24/02/2022
Every one of us has been affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
I have really missed the times where I have been unable to offer you a full range of services within my practice of the Reiki Ryoho System of Healing. I am so pleased to be able to offer all services again – treatments, training workshops, meditation tuition, talks and Reiki Shares/Circles.
My priority is to keep you as safe as possible and during the times that “Reiki Journeys with Wendy” has been closed, I completed a number of COVID-19 Awareness Courses.
Before accessing any of my In-Person services, as part of the process I will ask that you fill out an online COVID-19 Screening and Consent form. This is to ensure after you have booked your appointment/activity and it gets nearer to your visit, that you are safe to still go ahead. If there are no facilities available online for you to do this, I can go through it with you over the telephone. I will also give you a copy of a Therapist COVID-19 Declaration which is a statement made by me to provide as much reassurance as possible in order for you to feel safe accessing any of my In-Person services at either of my premises. In an effort to provide as safe an environment as possible, I do test twice weekly with lateral flow tests.
Where Reiki Treatments are concerned, if you fall within the moderate risk group, I will use my professional judgement to decide if the potential benefits of treatment outweigh the risks. I will discuss this with you to ensure that your decision to proceed with treatment is made as a fully informed choice. This discussion will take place via a simple phone conversation as soon as possible after receiving and reading through your COVID-19 Screening and Consent Form. If we do proceed with the treatment, I will take extra care with social distancing and hygiene measures. The same will apply if you fall within the clinically extremely vulnerable group, as long as you are double vaccinated.
If I feel ill or have symptoms of COVID-19, I will self-isolate immediately and not come into work. This may mean that I have to cancel your appointment/activity at short notice. I appreciate that this may be inconvenient but it is done entirely for your own safety. If your appointment/activity is cancelled, you will be able to re-book again or ask for a full refund or I can send you a voucher via email to the same value.
If you or any of the people you live test positive to COVID or with feel ill and display any symptoms of COVID-19, please advise me as soon as possible and DO NOT COME TO EITHER OF MY PREMISES FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT OR ACTIVITY. You will not be charged for your treatment/activity and if you have already paid in advance, I will issue you with a full refund or send a voucher to the same value to be used at a future date.
Client appointments and all other IN-PERSON Services are suitably spaced apart so that thorough and hygienic disinfecting of the treatment room and premises can be carried out between each session/activity.
For your safety and to maintain social distancing, I ask that you attend the premises as close to the appointment/activity time as possible. This is to prevent you from coming onto contact with other service users who may be just leaving.
Please attend alone to reduce the risk of additional contacts between people.
Please call me on 07568138729 to let me know you have arrived and I will come and greet you.
Bring along your own water if possible.
My preferred payment method is payment in advance via BACS online or via PayPal. Cash is accepted if unable to pay by other means.
To minimise contact, with infection control in mind, I won’t make any physical contact with you unless you wish it i.e. shaking hands or hugging.
We CAN make an effort to maintain distance from each other throughout your time spent at my premises, IF THIS IS WHAT THOSE PRESENT WISH FOR to feel more comfortable and safe.
Face coverings are now no longer mandatory when having your treatment, though the UK Reiki Federation still advises their use during receiving a reiki treatment or attunement as these are close contact activities. We can discuss your preferences when you arrive at my premises. I do have a supply of face masks should you wish to wear one and inadvertently come without one.
My treatment room is as close to the main entrance/exit as possible and at my Stapleford premises, doors to all areas of the building that are not for use by clients will remain closed during your visit.
All surfaces that you may come into contact with are sanitised at the beginning and end of each working day plus also between each treatment or event. These surfaces are common ones such as the toilet, door handles, taps, sink area in bathroom and reception area, bannister leading up the stairway. Appropriate detergents are used for this that have been manufactured to destroy the COVID-19 virus.
There will be hand sanitiser available for you to use when you come into and exit the building and some upstairs in the Reiki room should you need it.
There are hand washing facilities in or near the toilet facilities with paper towels to dry hands. I will ask you to sanitise or wash your hands on entry to the premises.
There will be appropriate SIGNAGE around the premises to remind you of good hand washing techniques and ways in which you can protect yourself in accordance with Government Guidelines.
In line with the recent changes to Government Guidelines, I will just ask your preference with regards to either/both of us wearing a mask during your Reiki treatment because of In-Person Reiki being viewed as a Close Contact activity.
I will wash my hands/sanitise immediately before and after carrying out any close contact activity and the treatment couch, stools and chairs in my Reiki rooms are hygienically cleaned and disinfected in between any close contact activity.
I will ensure that all linen has been washed at 60 degrees and dried in a naturally ventilated environment prior to use. As soon as it is dry, the linen will be stored in a wipe clean storage box. My uniform is also washed at 60 degrees between each working day and is stored along with my linen in my wipe clean linen box. I will always wash my hands thoroughly/sanitise before handling any clean linen or uniform items. There are also disposable pillow covers used for the pillow on the couch. These are both disposed of between each client/activity.
Wherever possible I will utilise environmentally friendly, single use items during a treatment that will be disposed of safely after use in order to protect you from cross infection. All disposable items after use will be bagged and safely removed from the treatment/activity area at the end of each working day.
If you show signs of a fever/high temperature, I will not be able to allow you to come into or remain in the premises. You may wish to return home and self-isolate.
I will keep my premises naturally well ventilated with a window open wherever possible.
I am no longer required, in view of current Government Guidance, to comply with the NHS Track and Trace.
I have carried out a risk assessment with respect to my practice and the treatments/services that I provide and I am confident that I can continue to provide services to you safely.
I will try to make your time at my premises as safe, comfortable and enjoyable as possible. If you have any concerns about visiting either my Ilkeston or Stapleford premises, please let me know and I will do what I can to assist you.
All of these procedures have been implemented for your safety and mine. I will continue to take advice from the Government and the NHS regarding safe practice and will amend them as necessary.
Thank you for your understanding.