It seems a hard concept to grasp but Reiki can be shared over distance or remotely and the effect of this can be just as powerful as Reiki that is shared in person. It is a very useful technique for when the client is unable to be present with the Practitioner or for whatever reason doesn’t feel comfortable having the session face to face. Reiki is another word for “Spiritual Energy”, the type of energy that flows within and around us all. The Reiki System of Healing that I practice dates back to the early 1900s and originates from the East…..Japan to be precise. It is believed within this System that everything in the Universe is interconnected and Reiki Practitioners learn through meditation and techniques how to share this energy with others even over a distance.If you feel that you would like to have a Distant Reiki Treatment, this is how it works…….
Firstly, I will send a you link to an online consent form and a PDF of a preparatory sheet via email. We have to set a time for the treatment just as you would with a face to face one. The length of the session usually lasts about half an hour or so but can go on for longer. Twenty minutes before the set time, it is best to go somewhere quiet and comfy with your phone switched off and where you won’t be disturbed.
The relaxation explained on the preparatory sheet that I send out beforehand is really important plus setting your intent to receive the treatment. You mustn’t worry too much if you find it hard to relax, as long as you read the sheet and try to follow it. One of the most important things is to set your intent in your mind to receive the treatment and this is done by just repeating out loud what it says on your sheet. When you make your statement of intent, the best mental outlook to have is one of having no pre-conceived ideas, no expectations and trying to be as ‘open’ as you possibly can so that the sharing of energy can take place as effectively as possible. Most people don’t realise how important intent actually is. We set intent to do things all the time without realising it…..say to ourselves, often out loud when something is really playing on our mind….“I must put that colour on my hair today…..am gonna do it!!!” And quite often, especially when it’s said out loud, it gets done within a very short space of time exactly how we intended it to be.
Playing some relaxation music quietly in the background is ok. The guidance on the preparatory sheet is designed to get you into a light meditative state by the time I start the session for you from my end.
One of the questions often in people’s minds is “How will i know when the session has ended?”. Firstly I will message you via text or email when i have finished. If you fall asleep it’s no problem. People often fall asleep during a face to face Reiki treatment and it doesn’t alter the effectiveness of it. Sometimes a client will intuitively know that their treatment has ended and feel the need to ask if I have finished it from my end. Those who have distant treatments often report feeling the same type of sensations as the ones felt during a session where a Practitioner is present. I always send a detailed email or text after the treatment explaining my perceptions of it. Speaking on the phone both before and/or after the session is often needed to clarify or elaborate on anything that isn’t clearly understood. Some clients have very little or no knowledge of what Reiki actually is and for informed choice, especially with this form of treatment, speaking on the phone is crucial.
If you feel you would like to try a Distant Reiki Treatment and would like more information, please contact me for further details.