
Usui Reiki Ryôhô Courses

Each workshop includes two pre-course meetings tailored to the individual so students can prepare themselves prior to the course.

  • A 1 day workshop each at Level One, Level 3a and Level 3b (training manual and reading material included).
  • A 2 day workshop at Level Two (training manual and reading material included).
  • Certificates with lineage provided on completion of each course, training in the original Eastern Style of Usui Reiki Ryoho.
  • On your Workshop, I will provide explanations about a programme of practice to follow to gain the most benefit from the energetic changes within you. This is to aid you in fully utilising the Reiki System of Healing to enhance every aspect of your wellbeing.
  • I will also explain the ongoing support and guidance available to you, from me and others within our Reiki Community. This will be ongoing for as long as you wish it.

The first pre-course meeting

This is where we meet following current Government Guidelines for social distancing and get to know one another. I will give you information with regards to what the original Eastern Reiki System of Healing is all about.

I will tell you about my journey including how I came to learn Reiki myself and you can tell me about yourself and what your wishes and needs are for learning Reiki. I will also tell you what to expect after your Course and how it may change your life.

If after this first meeting you wish to go ahead we will arrange your second pre-course meeting.

If for any reason after this meeting you decide that it is not the right time for you to go ahead and do the Workshop (at whichever level) or you don’t think Reiki is for you, then there is no obligation to continue on with any more meetings.

2nd Pre-course Meeting

At this meeting you will pay adeposit and we will mutually decide on a date for your Course. You can have the benefit of a full in-person Reiki session with me during this 2nd meeting to experience Reiki as a receiver. This will be provided in line with current Government Guidelines and Regulations for Covid-19. There is no fee for this treatment as it is included in the meeting.

You will receive your training manual and reading material and guidance on how to prepare for your Course. You will also receive an itinerary, setting out what is included in the Workshop, with any other necessary details included.

Each pre-course meeting will take either a whole morning or afternoon/evening (2-3 hours). Dates and times will be arranged between me and the student on an individual basis.

Two days prior to your Course date, you will pay the remaining course fee to me preferably by BACS online.

Meditation Classes

If you wish to access either In-Person or Virtual/Online sessions on Reiki based meditation, the following subjects can be explored :

  • The Reiki Precepts – for daily meditation on the 5 precepts to strengthen resilience, bring joy into your life and reduce inner mental and emotional stress
  • The Three Diamonds (the 3 main energy centres) – to promote well being and inner calmness and balance.

For more information and to discuss these further please contact me either by email, phone or Facebook.

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